Family Farm Succession Planning

Want to be prepared for unexpected or forced family farm succession or considering your families farm succession plan?


Preparation is a Key Component to your Farming Program.

We believe that this same principal should also apply to your Families Farm Succession Plan.

Regardless of the type of farming sector you are involved in, preparation is one of the key components that farmers rely on in order to help minimise the impacts unknown variables can have from one season to the next. At Agri Plus Financial Group, we believe that this same principal should be applied when discussing and approaching your families farm succession planning needs.

In the terms of family farm succession planning, we also believe that the right time to start, if you’ve not already started, is now and the reality is that it is never too early to start.

One of the biggest benefits with starting early is time.

  1. Time allows you to make decisions that you are comfortable with, that you understand and that you are not rushed in your decision making process.

  2. Time provides you with the opportunity to explore options that may be best suited for your families longer term needs, again, avoiding making a decision that has not been fully explored.

  3. Time allows for a transition to occur over a period of time, maximising the potential for all parties to have a smooth and successful transition.

  4. Time provides the opportunity to ensure that there can be minimal impact to various other areas of your both your personal and financial positions.

We all know that farming can be unpredictable, and so too can life. But being prepared, understanding the risks, what options and alternatives may be available to you and having a plan can help provide peace of mind.


Want to know more about how we undertake this process?

Download our Family Farm Succession Planning Flyer here.